Thank you for Jossiel, Keren, and Sitota, our three compassion kids whom You entrusted to us to sponsor. You could have chosen another family to sponsor them, yet you chose us. Each one of them have a special place in my heart, and I love picturing their precious little faces each time we pray for them. I’m humbled that you would use us to change a life in ways as simple as sponsoring a child.

So often I find myself asking why. Why was I born into my family? My country? My situation? I didn’t do anything to deserve it, I was just born. Why did you place me where you did?

Then I wonder what it feels like to be them. Born into a life of instant poverty. They didn’t do anything to deserve it. They were just born. Why did you place them where they are?

Then I think of your grace, and I think of all of the ways you display that grace.

You showed me grace by restoring my broken, self-focused life. You’re molding my heart and transforming my mind to care for them the way You do, to love them how You do.

You showed them grace too. You sent people to where they are, and now we are part of the process. We get to provide for them. You could have chosen many other ways to do it, but I’m so grateful you allow us to be a part of the process.

Thank you for using my life. Thank you for using them in my life. For they are teaching me more than I ever knew.

Your Daughter,

September is Blog Month at Compassion. Their goal is to find sponsors for 3,108 children. Will you prayerfully consider sponsoring one today? For more details on how you can be a sponsor, click here.