God amazes me.

Ever since I felt God calling us into this journey to adopt, I knew that if it was His doing, He would provide a way. Stepping out in faith and moving forward isn’t easy, in fact, it’s pretty scary. What if I was wrong? What if He doesn’t provide? But I can honestly say I haven’t been worried at all- and that in itself is a miracle. For me, money and worry seem to go hand-in-hand.

But God hasn’t just provided. He’s provided abundantly everything we need just as we need it. No debt. No loans. Amazing.

People amaze me.

Ever since we’ve shared the news of our referral and moved into the final stages of this adoption, I’m so overwhelmed by the support and encouragement from so many. Those who are close to us, and others who barely know us. It’s incredible.

The journey of adoption isn’t just a huge financial commitment, but it’s an emotional roller coaster as well. There’s so many unknowns. So much we can’t plan for. And truth is, nothing is certain until we get those boys home. It seems that when I have a moment of panic, God brings someone my way to say just what I need to hear.

A few weeks ago we were at a random party and we met a family who had recently adopted two older boys. We had a great conversation with both the parents and one of the adopted boys. Meeting them was a huge boost for both Filipe and I.

The biggest decision we’ve made this summer is to homeschool. ALL the kids. I swore I would NEVER homeschool, and here I am with books piled high and excited to start. We’ll take it one year at a time, with each kid, but I am doing what I can to set us up for long-term success. I’ve learned to keep my plans written in pencil.

Even with this difficult decision, God uses people to encourage me. I am not a teacher and have no background in education. I’m on a huge learning curve here, but I love a good challenge. Researching education is actually quite fascinating.  SO many people I’ve talked to have helped me figure out how to do this (and not screw up my kids) and I feel so confident in how we are approaching it.

I spoke with our current school today and even they were encouraging and supportive. The admin (from a public school) affirmed every part of my decision. No questions, just a “that makes sense” response. (Maybe I do know what I’m doing?) Leaving there on good terms was a high priority.

You amaze me. 

Over and over God shows His faithfulness and you respond in kindness. Whether it’s doing a fundraiser for us (more info below), giving us clothes & bikes, or just an encouraging word. Thank you. It means so much.


Many have asked where we are financially.

We are less than $5,000 to reaching our goal of $45,000. How crazy is it that we’ve raised over $40,000?! I had no idea we could get that much. The remaining costs will be flights/travel.

Brazil requires a thirty day guardianship period (with the boys) before the adoption can be finalized in court. During that time we will be visited by a social worker (and possibly even the judge). Following those thirty days we will travel to the U.S. Consulate in Rio to get our visas/paperwork for the boys to enter the U.S. So, we will spend a minimum of 40 days in Brazil.

Our flights and hotel bill will add up quickly (especially when we multiply by SEVEN!).

Currently a couple of friends are doing fundraisers to help us raise the remaining amount. Ladies (or friends/spouses of ladies), if you/she likes thirty-one bags and/or Chloe & Isabel jewelry, here’s your chance to purchase them and help contribute towards our travel expenses. Please feel NO obligation to buy, it’s just a fun way to get something you may already want and contribute as well.

Click HERE for thirty-one. 

Click HERE for chloe & isabel.

If you have no interest in bags or jewelry, but you still want to give, go to santosadoption.com for more info on how to do that.