I’m thrilled to finally share some exciting news with you.
Our family is getting bigger, much bigger!

That’s right.


On January 1st, we sent our application to America World Adoption and, on Friday, January 4th, we were approved for their Brazil program. So somewhere right now in Brazil is a sibling group who will become a part of our family.

And yes, I did say sibling group.

We have requested siblings between the ages of 3-9. Ultimately God knows the exact little girl(s) and/or boy(s) for us to love and care for and we are trusting that He is working both in our hearts and in theirs.

This may all sound a little crazy to some of you (it’s okay, it sounded crazy to me a year ago), and maybe it is. But I’m confident that this is something God is doing in us and now is the time to start.

Today I just wanted to share the big news. Soon I will share with you the why behind it all.
