Ever prayed for something specific and God gave you what you wanted? Maybe you wanted a promotion. Maybe you hoped for a house. Maybe you longed for a baby.

I hope you rejoiced. After all, those moments are a time to celebrate.

But, did you stop and express your gratitude to God? Did you truly thank Him for the miracle? And did you continue drawing close to Him in the days, weeks, or years following? Or did you forget Him?

In desperate moments we cry out to God. In hard times we beg Him to intervene. But often, without really meaning to, we forget Him when everything works out the way we want. Maybe we feel like a nuisance. Maybe we think He’s got enough tragedy to deal with. Maybe we just forget.

Like a parent who loves watching their kids experience good things, God wants to celebrate with us too. I’m learning how essential it is to invite God up on the mountain tops of life, not just cry out to Him in the valleys. To rejoice with Him in the good times, not just blame Him for the bad.

I’ve noticed the reason I often shy away from God in the good times is because they are the moments I often feel most humbled. I’m well aware of my faults and shortcomings, and when God opens doors for me I know I don’t deserve, it can feel strange. And so I back away.

But lately, instead of turning away, I’m remembering to turn back to Him. Grateful for a chance. Humbled He would use me. These days I’m well aware I wouldn’t have many good things or abilities without God’s direct intervention in my life. There are times I’m tempted to explain it away or think it’s just a coincidence, but deep down I know better.

I believe God rejoices with us in the good times just like He grieves with us in the bad. And when we invite Him into all of life’s moments, we can experience more of the life He desires for us.

What doors are you knocking on that only God can open?
Keep knocking.
Keep pursuing Him.
But when it opens don’t forget who opened it.