Is there anything worse than finding out that someone you trusted or something you spent your life believing turns out to be fake? I don’t know about you, but even the hint I’ve been duped makes me cringe.

Whether it’s finding out someone is cheating on you or finding out someone blatantly lied to you, if you’ve personally experienced any form of betrayal, you probably put your guard up so it wouldn’t happen again. You probably became more cynical too- unsure if you should trust the next person or piece of information that comes your way.

In the last ten years alone there’s been enough disgraceful behavior coming from politicians that I often wonder if any could be trusted. Politicians who boast of family values end up fired or behind bars. Those who pride themselves on protecting children are the same ones who exploit them. Those who claim they are here to serve the people are the very ones oppressing people; making life harder for those who voted for them.

It’s no wonder so many don’t see the value in our election process. It can feel like a lose-lose situation.

But instead of feeding the cynicism and believing the conspiracy theories, what if we changed our thinking about politicians.

For me, a few things that help me keep perspective when I struggle to trust politicians.

Politicians want votes.
I’m sure there are many politicians who genuinely want to do good and serve the people, but even those with the best of intentions still need to win an election if they want a certain seat at the table. They need votes to get that seat. Most will say what you want to hear to get a vote. Negative advertising works because we’re gullible enough to take them at their word. They know how to bend the truth- and tell blatant lies to win us over. Just like marketers sell products, politicians buy votes. Like I tell my kids when they see a Verizon commercial, “Of course they’re going to say they are the best, they’re the ones making the commercial!”. Sometimes it’s what they’re not saying in an advertisement that speaks volumes. It’s what they’re not addressing in a forum that may be the issues that matters most. It’s easy to boast about our strengths, but how do they talk about their weaknesses?

Politicians won’t fix my earthly problems.
Those running for office may want to fix all of your problems, and some will tell you they can, but when it comes down to it they are not able to come around and solve every problem you face. They may have some power to make some things easier or harder for you, but we cannot look to any politician for rescue. Personally, I’ve put my trust in Jesus Christ. He is my Savior and I trust He can solve my earthly issues and will provide even when earthly opportunities seem limited. Because my hope is secure I don’t have to worry so much. 

Politicians will disappoint eventually.
Whether they are willing to admit it or not, politicians are imperfect, broken human beings. If there’s a politician you never found fault in, you may need to re-think your loyalty to them. Blind loyalty to any man/woman is not healthy. Every leader will make a mistake at some point. It’s how they respond to their mistakes and brokenness that I take a particular interest in. If a leader cannot be questioned, own up to, or apologize for mistakes, I question their judgment and ability as a leader.

Have you felt duped by a politician? Have you given up? What would you add to this list to keep perspective when it comes to electing leaders to positions of government?