This month I’ve been sharing how I shifted my focus from what I was doing for God to being with God, and how it has radically changed my view of Him, not to mention myself.

Throughout this journey I’ve become more aware of who I am and who I am not, and keenly aware of who God is and who He is not. He has given me greater peace in situations where I’d normally start having a panic attack, and filled me with hope when I’d normally start reeling with fear.

I’ve developed many positive, healthy habits as a result of this mindset shift, it’s hard to nail down all of them. But, here are a few that have been very clear- especially over the last year. In sharing them with you I hope they inspire you to pursue God for who He is not what He can do for you- or what you are obligated to do for Him. That kind of relationship won’t last long or take you very far.

Being With God…

  1. Keeps me in my place– Being with God in silence and stillness forces me to recognize my deep need for Him. It has a way of revealing my humanity and sin, and reveals to me how much further I have to go. Staying in this place is good for my ego.
  2. Motivates me to do more– While my focus is not on the doing, I am doing more for God right now than ever before in ministry. When I prioritize being with Him over doing things for Him, His Spirit fills me and inspires and motivates me to do more than I could ever muster up in my own strength.
  3. Brings Contentment– I’ve experienced far more contentment in my life over the last year than maybe ever before. It’s certainly been a long road for me to get here, but this journey has helped me discover how to get it. Now it’s a matter of keeping it and continuing to walk this journey with Him every day.

God is not some distant force who put us on this earth to watch us fight and struggle day after day, year after year and when it’s all said and done we end existing. No, God is the almighty, everlasting, all-knowing, great, yet personal God. Life with Him is the only true life there is.

In fact, the same God who created the mountains and oceans reached down and breathed life into you. His desire is for you to open up your heart and mind to who He is so that you can live the life He created you for. One that is filled with freedom and purpose.

I hope and pray you will experience all He has for you, and that you will be able to experience life with Him.

“I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing.” John 15:5