I can’t see God. I’ve never heard Him speak audibly either. Never felt His touch on my skin. But I sense Him…when I make space for Him. Some days He comes closer than others. Some days I don’t give Him enough time.

But when He is near, it’s as if I hear His voice and feel His touch. No, not audibly or physically, but deep down in my soul He is near. I have no doubt.

In that place, God is as real to me as my beating heart, and faith makes perfect sense. There the mysteries of God aren’t scary and strange. There, down in my soul, my spirit connects with the very Spirit of God.

It is there I come alive.

There, with God, I don’t fear or worry, I don’t question or doubt. With God, I feel loved, I know peace, I am filled with joy. With God, I notice my limitations and God’s unlimited grace. With God, the impossible becomes possible, dreams become reality. With God, life is never-ending and abundant.

When God comes near there is no better place. All of life’s frustrations and challenges fade away. None of it matters. He is with me.

My mind knows this truth, my heart feels it, so why do I have to fight so hard for it? Why can’t I make time and space as easily as I can with a friend or mere acquaintance? Why is it so hard to put down the phone and silence the noise? Why can I so easily brush Him off like a nuisance or annoyance?  

Will the struggle always remain? Will it get easier with time. I don’t know. I hope so, but I can’t be sure. This is just what I notice. And noticing is the first step. Maybe that’s enough. Noticing.

What I want you to know is it’s a struggle, but it’s a good struggle. We will all struggle in some ways. I’d rather struggle in what matters for eternity than struggle in the trivial parts of life.

Carving out time and space for God to meet me throughout my day is what keeps me going day after day. It’s in the silence and in solitude, my heart aligns with His. And the more aligned I am with Him, the easier it is to recognize when something’s off- in me, in someone else, in the world. When I’m aligned with Him I can push through fear and obstacles. When I’m aligned with Him I feel free and alive. When I’m aligned with Him I can do far more than I imagine possible.

I believe the same can be true for you.