Thanking God for life’s blessing tends to come easy for many of us. A simple reminder may be needed from time-to-time, but for many of us, we won’t resist the prompting.

But what about the hard times? The moments when life seems to be falling apart? When people fail us? Or when we’re experiencing ridicule- or outright attack? Can we thank God for those too? Psalm 118 reminds me that yes, we can and should.

When I think back on the dark moments or season in my life, the emotions I felt during those times can easily come back to me. It’s interesting to me how a memory from ten or twenty years ago can evoke those exact emotions in me today.

It’s in those memories and moments that I see a difference in who I am today as a result of those dark times. The fear that once held me captive no longer grips me. The doubt that held me in confusion no longer controls me.

God carried me through those dark times and strengthened me in it. And while it was awful and ugly to walk through, it produced something good inside of me. It strengthened my faith and my resolve in believing that God is good and can be trusted no matter what horrific situations I face. That alone gives me a reason to give thanks.

I don’t believe God orchestrates bad situations for us to walk through, but I do believe He doesn’t keep us from them. He gives us what we need to face them. When we turn to Him, He is our refuge, He delivers us, He gives us the victory. And that is what I thank him for. For being faithful every time I call out to Him in moments of despair and distress.

Remembering the dark times God has delivered me from in the past gives me confidence that He will give me the victory I need today or tomorrow. I can thank God for the hard times I’ve walked through because they’ve given me faith to face the hard times I will undoubtedly face in the future.

“Give thanks to the Lord, for He is good; his love endures forever.” Psalm 118:1