Summer is the best excuse to explore new things and new places.

Whether we venture to a new part of an old city or engage in a new activity, doing something new has a way of bringing out the wonder in all of us. Young or old, exploring engages our senses and elevates our minds to new thinking.

Removed from the pressures to perform and the structure of the classroom, we learn new things about ourselves, about each other, and the world when we explore what’s around us. And with more time and space in the summer (Goal #1), this can happen more.

So I make space to explore. Sometimes it’s as simple as going to a new beach or park (even just to read). Other times it’s letting a kid try out a new sport or activity just to see how they like it. And every now and then it’s going to the other side of the world just to see what’s there.

Looking back several years, I can see how summer explorations led to new habits, goals, and convictions throughout the next year. They spark new ideas and dare us to take risks. And sometimes we realize, “Hey, that’s kind of fun! We should do that more often.”

Last summer our family had our first sabbatical in ministry. It was life-changing. I’ve been able to point back several times since then and see how those four weeks moved us forward in a positive direction. One trip we took as a family was so life-giving for us, we will be repeating it this summer (with more people and new activities). Greece changed me to the core last summer, but unfortunately, that is not on the itinerary this time, (but I am already dreaming of getting back there. I have so much more exploring to do there.)

Where will you explore this summer? Don’t let the season pass you by without trying out some new activity or some new place. Take a risk, find a new path, taste a new flavor, read a new genre, and let your imagination take over a little. It may feel a little scary if you’re not used to it, but I guarantee, it’s good for the soul. Go explore!