I saved the best for last. The last goal I have for our family this summer is without a doubt, FUN. And I hope we have a lot of it.

Fun is an essential component for healthy, thriving families. Fun makes memories and moments meaningful. Fun gives us something to look forward to during those long, hot days. Fun helps us smile more and keeps us all a little more sane.

Fun doesn’t have to be a budget breaker nor does it require a degree in event planning (though with a family of seven it can feel like it). Fun just requires a little thought and intentionality. It also means we loosen the normal, school-year rules, like bedtime and tech time. The older our kids get, the more freedom we are able to give in this area.

Last week we took our family see Incredibles 2 at the drive-in theater. That was fun, and a first, for all of us.

We have fun planned throughout the summer. We have water park passes, kids camps, and student retreats. Filipe and I have a cruise planned for the two of us, and we will all spend a week at Family Camp. Once the middle of August comes around, I hope we can look back on a summer filled with many fun moments.

While we will are off focusing on our summer goals, I’ll be taking a little break here on the blog. This summer, give yourself a little extra time and space, go explore, grow together with the ones you love, and most importantly, have fun!